458 Spider • Equipment

Satellite alarm system

The Ferrari Genuine satellite alarm system is available in two versions, one with the ADR card and one without. The system with the ADR card recognizes the authorized driver by detecting the personal card (Automatic Driver Recognition), which is handed over to the customer when the anti-theft system is installed in the vehicle. In the event of a theft, a silent alarm signal is transmitted to the NavTrak control center to allow localization of the vehicle. Through its operating centers, NavTrak can track a stolen vehicle 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This means that a vehicle fitted with this anti-theft system can be tracked in 42 European countries. The NavTrak system will operate wherever there is GSM coverage. To complete installation, the dealer must contact the service provider to purchase and activate the annual subscription necessary and request the 2 ADR cards.

Satellite alarm system, ADR10 anti-theft system ECU