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    Canadian Grand Prix 2022 by Marco Itri

    no. Dopo aver frequentato la Scuola Italiana di Comix inizia a lavorare per il mercato americano.

    Montréal 15 giugno 2022


    Marco Itri (Salerno, 1986) is an Italian comic book artist. After graduating from the Italian School of Comix he makes his debut on the American market. Some of his published work includes «Djungle», an anthropomorphic western tale published by Panini Comics, «Volition» for Aftershok and «Zombicide» for Cmon Games. He is currently working on the series «Dragonero», published by Sergio Bonelli Editore and on «Orcs and Goblins» for Soleil.

    Marco Itri (Salerno, 1986) is an Italian comic book artist. After graduating from the Italian School of Comix he makes his debut on the American market.