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22 May 2022Endurance, DTM

Driver comments after Race 2 at Lausitzring

Lausitzring 22 May 2022

A retirement three laps from the end for the only Ferrari at the start of the final event at the Lausitzring prompted the men of Red Bull AlphaTauri AF Corse to turn the page quickly and start focusing on the next round in Imola. We gathered the impressions of Cassidy and Fraga.

Nick Cassidy: “I enjoyed this first weekend in the DTM, today I felt very comfortable with the car and was having a good race. Yesterday I didn't have the pace, then in the night we revolutionised the car and I was very happy with the performance even though I'm sorry I didn't come away with any points.”

Felipe Fraga: “Today was a really unfortunate day. We had a fire in the car and I will not be able to participate in the race. So it’s a really tough weekend for us. I’m really sorry for the whole team, they are working so hard and then something like this happens. But we move forward and hope that the bad luck stays here are the Lausitzring. We come back stronger, for sure!”

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