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08 Jul 2023Scuderia, British GP

Free practice 3: Charles quickest, Carlos sixth

Silverstone 08 July 2023

Charles Leclerc topped the time sheet and Carlos Sainz was sixth in the third and final free practice session, which was run in the rain from the midpoint onwards.

45 laps. Having been unable to leave the garage in yesterday’s Free Practice 2, Charles was straight out on track on Soft tyres, followed shortly after by his team-mate. Leclerc lapped in 1’29”000 and Sainz did a 1’29”044. On their second runs, Carlos got down to 1’27”964 and Charles to 1’28”068. On their third and final run in the dry, the Monegasque managed a 1’27”419, while the Spaniard did not improve. After around half an hour the rain began to fall at Silverstone and Charles tried to stay out on slicks, but had to come in and switch to Intermediate tyres as did his team-mate. They did a few more laps and by the end of the session Charles had completed 24, while Carlos racked up 21.

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