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07 Jul 2023Scuderia, British GP

Free practice 1: Charles fifth, Carlos seventh

Silverstone 07 July 2023

Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz were fifth and seventh fastest in the first free practice session for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.

50 laps. The two Ferraris went out on Medium tyres, Charles setting a time of 1’30”637 and Carlos lapping in 1’30”814. They then fitted Softs and went quicker with Sainz lapping in 1’29”357 and Leclerc posting a 1’29”418 improving to 1’29”280. Towards the end of the session, Carlos reverted to the Medium tyres he had used earlier, while Charles continued with the Softs, both drivers running heavier fuel loads to simulate race conditions. They completed 25 laps each. The second session starts at 16 local (17 CET).

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