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18 May 2023Press Releases

Ferrari supports the floods-affected local community

Ferrari supports the floods-affected local community


Maranello, 18 May 2023 - Ferrari donates 1 million Euros to the Emilia-Romagna Region's Agency for Territorial Safety and Civil Protection, joining the regional fundraising campaign.

The funds will be used, with the coordination of the territorial authorities, to help the local population affected by the recent flooding, with a particular focus on projects for environmental recovery and the management of hydrogeological instability.

"In times of difficulty, Ferrari has always stood by its community," said Ferrari CEO Benedetto Vigna. "We wanted to provide a concrete and immediate response to the most urgent needs of the population of Emilia-Romagna, which has been tried by a serious environmental disaster. With the coordination of the local authorities, to whom our heartfelt thanks go for their tireless work, this aid will bring comfort and a tangible sign of the solidarity of the entire Ferrari family."

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