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04 May 2021Endurance, DTM

Bad weather affects first test at Lausitzring

Lausitzring 04 May 2021

Bad weather unexpectedly took centre stage on the first day of pre-season testing for the DTM at the Lausitzring circuit. Rain and strong winds dominated the time dedicated to testing the cars that will compete at Monza in the opening round of the 2021 season. In the late afternoon, the track began to dry out a little, allowing the drivers to set more meaningful times and the teams to work on their setups.

At the end of the day, Alex Albon was the fastest of the AF Corse 488 GT3 Evo 2020 drivers, lapping in 1:44.446 in the Ferrari of Alpha Tauri, while Nick Cassidy posted a best time of 1:44.523, earning him seventh place. Maximilian Götz clocked the session's overall fastest time of 1:43.840.

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