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04 Aug 2023Endurance, DTM

Weekend preview: DTM leg at the Nürburgring

Maranello 04 August 2023

The 3.629-kilometre Nürburgring circuit is set to host the fourth round of the DTM championship with the two Emil Frey Racing-run Ferrari 296 GT3s taking the start.

DTM. Over the weekend of 4-6 August the DTM championship tackles round four of the season at the iconic Nürburgring circuit, with races seven and eight bringing the first half of the season to a close. The Emil Frey Racing team will line up with two Ferrari 296 GT3s: the number 14 of Jack Aitken and the number 69 of Thierry Vermeulen. British driver Aitken, after collecting points in the first round but missing out on the second, will go in search of a notable result in a bid to climb the standings. 21-year-old Vermeulen will be looking to gain further experience in this, his first season in the DTM.

Programme. Friday is dedicated to Free Practice with two sessions from 11.00 to 11.45 a.m. and from 2.40 to 3.25 p.m. On Saturday, Qualifying takes place from 9.35 to 9.55 a.m. and Race-1 from 1.30 to 2.30 p.m. Sunday’s Qualifying 2 is from 9.05 to 9.25 a.m. with the start of the second one-hour race at 1.30 p.m.

All times are local.

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