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18 Jun 2023Scuderia, Canadian Gp

Race recap: Charles fourth, Carlos fifth

Montréal 18 June 2023

Time for the Canadian Grand Prix: the track is dry, air temperature is 18 degrees and the track is at 32. Charles is tenth on the grid, with Carlos Sainz 11th

Start. Charles gets ahead of Alex Albon, while Carlos manages to fend off Sergio Perez to stay 11th.

Lap 11. Nico Hulkenberg pits to change tyres which moves the Ferraris up to eighth and tenth places, just before George Russell hits the barriers. The Safety Car is out and several cars pit to change tyres. Charles and Carlos move up to fourth and fifth. 

Lap 38. Carlos pits and rejoins on Hard tyres, while Charles comes in on the following lap and does the same. The Ferraris are still fourth and fifth.

The finish. Nothing else changes, so Charles and Carlos come away with fourth and fifth places thanks to a great strategy and a car that is at last performing consistently, so that the drivers were able to maintain good pace for the entire race. 

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