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09 Sep 2022Scuderia, Italian GP

Free practice 1: Charles and Carlos top the timesheet

Monza 09 September 2022

Scuderia Ferrari drivers Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz finished first and second fastest respectively in the first free practice session for the Italian Grand Prix at Monza.

48 laps. Team personnel and drivers lined up in the pit lane to observe a minute’s silence immediately prior to the session, as a mark of respect following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who died yesterday. Once on track, Charles and Carlos began their day’s work on the Hard tyres. Leclerc then switched to the Soft compound, setting a time of 1’22”410. Sainz then followed suit posting a very similar time of 1’22”487. Charles completed 25 laps and Carlos 23. The second free practice session starts at 17 local time.

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