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16 Jun 2023Scuderia, Canadian Gp

An unusual but positive Friday

Montréal 16 June 2023

Friday free practice track time for the Canadian Grand Prix was much reduced but Scuderia Ferrari still managed to get through most of its programme. The first session lasted but three laps, before being red flagged when Pierre Gasly stopped on track and then it was cancelled completely because of a problem with the circuit’s CCTV cameras. The stewards therefore decided to extend the second session from an hour to 90 minutes to allow teams and drivers to make up for lost time. 

77 laps. Both drivers started off on the same sets of Medium tyres that they had used for just three laps in the first session. The two SF-23s were then fitted with Softs to run in qualifying configuration, Leclerc lapping in 1’14”094, fifth fastest at the end, as he was unable to go quicker as the session was red flagged because of an incident for Esteban Ocon. Carlos set a time of 1’13”844 before the red flag and that secured him third place on the time sheet. The threat of rain was increasing at the Gilles Villeneuve Circuit as the session resumed and both Ferraris went out with a heavier fuel load to run in race configuration on both Medium and Hard compound tyres. The rain finally hit the track right at the end of the sessions so that the last few laps were run on Intermediate tyres. Carlos did 39 laps and Charles 38.

Unpredictable weather. More rain is expected in Montreal tomorrow, but today’s work will still probably be useful for the race, as no rain is forecast at the moment for the Grand Prix. The third and final free practice session takes place at 12.30 local (18.30 CEST) tomorrow prior to qualifying at 16 (22 CEST).

Carlos Sainz #55

With hardly any track time in FP1, it meant that FP2 was particularly busy but we managed to try all three dry weather compounds, as well as various set-ups on the car to improve performance.
We made good progress over the course of the day. The result is quite positive, even if we still need to find a bit of pace and performance going into tomorrow.

Charles Leclerc #16

It’s only Friday and there is still a long way to go, but overall, it has been a positive day. The feeling I had in the car was very good. We are bit further down the order as we couldn’t do a second run on the Softs because of the red flag. Our race pace felt good as well and we will keep working in the current direction.
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